
Memory Lane

I was up until about 1:00am last night, working on the speech for Jenn's wedding I'm co-writing with my fellow MOH and other sister, Kate. I'm not going to post any snippits because I don't want to give anything away in the chance Jenn reads this, but I do want to say that I feel like in the past 12 hours, I've traveled back in time and relived some of my fondest memories, playing in the Vivian forest behind our childhood home, spending so much time outside that we'd inevitably smell like the fresh outdoors when we returned. I distinctly remember how my eyes would have to readjust to indoor lighting when we'd come back in after playing until sundown. And I remember the feeling of crusty dry leaves that would always somehow get under my shirt, in my hair, and in my socks.

Jenn, Kate, baby Sarah, 1986

What a fantastical childhood we shared. Our epic imaginary games were such real adventures. I wonder when the last time we played our favourite game, "Magic Kids", was. My sisters were magical sisters, named "Mickey" and "Nickey", and probably because I wasn't old enough to speak when we started playing this game, I was their magical cat, appropriately named "Little Cat" because I was about an inch in height. I was fluffy, white, and could make myself invisible, among many of our other magical abilities. Kate describes our adventures well. "We would instantly and magically “ding” ourselves to various locations around the world. We would also “ding” ourselves any food, clothing, horses and treasures we desired. To communicate in winter, all we had to do was blow frosty visible breath into the air; into this cloud the face of whomever we wanted to talk to would appear. This is often how our boss would assign us new missions." Move over Harry Potter.

Kate, Jenn, Sarah, 1990

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